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I was pulsing at the thought of him just lifting up the kilt then and there and taking me in his mouth. It would have been so easy. And I certainly would not have stopped him.His hands slowly moved around to my front and with just the front of the shirt left to be tucked in, his hands moved and touched my cock. Instantly I pulsed. Surely he felt it. He apologised and slipped his fingers up my front to grab my shirt. All the while I could feel his arm against my cock, which was no doubt dripping with precum by now. He took longer than usual to pull the front of the shirt down, paying particular attention to it to ensure it looked right.Just grab my cock already and go to town on it, I thought to myself. It was driving me crazy. Eventually he pulled away and helped me with the belt and other accessories. The whole outfit looks great. He got me some matching tartan flashes (small fishtailed ribbons connected to an elastic band that wraps around the top of the socks) to complete the. That is until they taste their first victim. You have to snap the neck after you drink them, just like this.” The nurse leaned down and twisted Tiffany’s neck till a loud snap was heard. “ Now she is dead. Remember to snap the necks. It is also in your best interest to get rid of the bodies. It will keep people from suspecting anything. ““There is also quite a bit of abilities that will come to you with time. You have a great mind over matter ability in both yourself and others. You’ll discover these with time. Finally, you must feed on blood. You may be able to go a few days without, but after too long you grow weak and wither. You won’t die from it but believe me it’s a fate worse than death. You would live in perpetual pain until you feed again. Now that’s all I have to tell you and it is time I leave.” she said.“Wait, you can’t leave me. I have no idea what to do with myself. You owe me more answers than that.” he told her. “I have given you more, than I was given when I was.
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